Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 247

Chapter 247


Chapter 247: Take It Slowly


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Shen sat on the bed, allowing Gu Zi to sit on his lap. His long, strong fingers held her left breast, using her fragrant softness to ease his own desires.

She had just gotten out of bed, still wearing her nightgown. Her pair of fair, slender feet dangled beside his legs, leading up to her long, slender legs, her soft buttocks, her supple waist, and her full, pert breasts

Su Shen, didnt you say we shouldnt? Gu Zi sounded somewhat fearful, while his eyes were filled with surging desire.

Su Shen let her lean against him and gently reassured her, Dont worry, I wont touch there. Just the breasts, alright?

This little temptress had teased him with her sensuality but was now showing signs of hesitation. He had assumed she was bolder.

However, he realized it was partly his fault for being too impatient that night, barging into the bathroom like an inexperienced boy. He had hurt her, and now he needed a way to relieve his desires slowly.

His candid words caused Gu Zits heart to flutter, but she could tell he was exercising restraint. He merely needed some relief after the effects of that spring pouch from earlier. Holding back too much wasnt good for a man.

She bit her lip and whispered, Alright.

Afterward, she raised her chin and kised his lips. As their lips met, they immediately ignited with passion. He continued to caress her for a while, and his semi-erect manhood eventually returned to normal.

As they headed downstairs together, Su Le turned around to look. Her eyes widened as she confirmed that there were two people on the other side, and she was alone. Her expression became visibly distressed.

When Gu Zi walked up to her, her mouth stretched wide on both sides, and tears gathered at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill over.

Gu Zis heart melted, and she quickly knelt down to embrace her daughter, comforting her gently, Oh, what happened to our Lele? Come to Mommy for a hug.

These past few days, with the wedding preparations and her fatigue, she hadnt been able to care for her daughter properly, and she felt quite guilty.

When Su Le was embraced, she raised the corners of her mouth slightly. When Gu Zi could see her expression, she reverted to looking pitiful.

Su Shen believed that their child was probably crying from hunger. Without saying a word, he went to prepare a bottle of formula.

Gu Zi sat on the sofa, cradling Su Le in her arms. She checked the time and reminded him, Honey, make two more cups. Su Bing and Su Li need to drink more dairy products for their growth.

Although she usually prepared formula for their two sons herself, Gu Zi felt that having their father do it occasionally would create a different bond between them.

Upon hearing the word honey, Su Shens lips involuntarily curled up, and he replied with a warm alright before quickly preparing the formula.

When he brought the bottle to Su Le, Su Bing and Su Li had just returned. Gu Zi informed them, Daddy has prepared your milk. Go ahead and get it yourselves.

Both boys eyes lit up upon hearing this. They hurriedly walked over to the table where the formula was prepared, with Su Li bouncing excitedly and Su Bing moving with unusually light steps.

Su Shen, observing his two sons reactions, instantly understood Gu Zis intentions. He sat down beside her, kised her forehead, and didnt say anything, but Gu Zi already understood his gratitude for her earlier reminder. It was a way of thanking her, not out of formality but an expression of love.

Daddy, Daddy, this isnt right, Su Le, who had just regained her composure, suddenly looked aggrieved again. She attempted to push the man seated next to Gu Zi but couldnt budge him, her face turning bright red in her efforts.

Seeing her reaction, Gu Zi immediately realized that their little girl was actually feeling jealous. She also understood why the tears had flowed earlier.

She hugged her daughter and kised her gently, saying, Alright, Mommy will sit a bit farther away, okay?

With that, she moved away from her daughter, giving Su Shen some space.

Su Shens face darkened as he comprehended his daughters intentions. She was already starting to vie for attention; would she compete for her mothers affections in the future? It was a genuine concern.

Gu Zi felt delighted as she teased Su Le, completely unaware of the mans subtle mood. She thought about the exercise program and asked Su Shen, What do you think Su Bing and Su Li should start training in first?

She had already planned for long-distance running and table tennis as their training content. If Su Shen didnt have time, she could teach Su Bing and Su Li herself. However, she wanted to hear Su Shens opinion and see what he had prepared.

Su Shen replied, They should start with basic martial arts training.

Since Su Bing and Su Li had no prior martial arts experience, starting with basic martial arts could greatly enhance their physical fitness..

